Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fillers (Ink Formation)

Somedays I just feel full of words.

I finished Maximum Ride : The Angel Experiment. I am rapidly becoming obsessed with the series, instead of counting sheep, I lay in bed waiting for sleep to overcome my overactive brain, I try to predict the next plot twist, the next Eraser attack, or just fantasize about Max and Fang and the gang. In truth, I don't count sheep. Never tried.

Today during the MEAP we had our Science round of boredom thrown at us. It was the worst. Usually the MEAP is ok, I just speed through it without a care and try to get more reading time. This was just - blech habba noshna wabba. Yeah; that bad. There was one totally-out-there question that asked for metric tools of measurement and metric units of measurement for length, mass, and volume. Actually, the order was mass, length, volume. So, for mass I put a scale and grams. Then it gets tricky. The first thing that came to mind for length was a ruler, so I jotted that down, eager to be rid of this stupid quest to bring more money into the school. Then I put kilometers for the unit. Thing is, you need a pretty big ruler to measure kilometers. Literally, a ruler that long and ginormous could slice a nursing home to bits. Then, here it comes - volume. I've never been good with volume, always seen it as sort of an abstract concept. So I had no clue when it came to volume - measuring tools. For units, I put kilograms. And then -get this- I made up a word for the tool. Totally serious. Raxometer.

On the bus, I was finishing Max Ride and it was dark, so I brought a flashlight. And this kid Luke said, Becca, what's up with the flashlight? Sticking to the basics, I replied, Well see, I can't see in the dark.

My locker buddy has proved that you can fold a paper in half 7 times. The seventh fold was achieved by him carefully placing in under the leg of his chair and sitting on it. For three hours of the day. He's miraculous.

The other day in math Clare reached around and tapped the shoulder opposite of the shoulder of mine nearer to her. I mean....convoluted sentence alert. Whatever, you get it, I think. And I turned toward her and she was looking totally blank and almost dreamy, and she said in this abstract voice, What? Which made both of us crack up, naturally.

I miss Amelia Diehl.

Also, today in math, Becky and Clare were talking about graphing and equations and our teacher taking a medical leave, and I looked up from where I was sitting on the floor and said, Once when I was little, I got in a car wreck. Clare looked at me and started laughing, and then I added, But don't worry, I got out of it okay. in a voice that suggested otherwise.

I'm working on a collage.

Our concert! Ohmigosh. So, one of the basses can sing soprano. And my teacher won't let me sing alto. The guys sound good on whatever they sing. I blatantly refuse to accept that they are better singers, pinning it on gender. And they get to sing this awesome latin piece, on the balconey of the auditorium. It's the coolest song. I mean, not a "I need that on my iPod" kinda deal, but for a choir piece, it's pretty awesome. We're singing (yet another) song about singing. After El Ritmo De La Noche (The Rhythm of the Night), Oh Music Sweet Music, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy - we are now faced with Sing We and Chant It and How Can I Keep From Singing? If you heard the song How Can I...., you'd be able to keep from singing along with no trouble. Also, she changed keys - moving upward. We're already singing a high E. And, not to seem arrogant as my current soprano status, but moving it up higher is not going easy on the altos. The sopranos don't sound all too put together either. It's going to be a sad concert day this coming Tuesday.

Nathan has been telling me what to do, and it's killing me. Of his annoying lines, the ones that get me most are:
Prove it!
Don't lie (occasionally he'll add 'Lying is bad!)
Don't tell lies! (sounds the same as the one directly above, but there are subtle differents in tone quality which he says them)
and then of course,
telling me what to do. Gotta hate that.

Ryan: Party at my house! Everyone's invited? (motions to me) You comin'?
Me: Hmmm...will there be Fresca?
Ryan: Everyone'll be there!
Me: (more determined now) Will there be Fresca?
Ryan: Yes, there will be Fresca.
Me: I'm in.
(the party, unfortunately was cancelled)

Did you know, by the way, all porcupines float in water?

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Ha ha ha ha. That was so pleasant to read! Like, omigosh !!!

Yeah, that series is like... very addicting. Easy to become obsessed with. And you finish the books fast, too.

Ugh science MEAP. Last time I remember doing that was in 5th grade and it had something to do with a skateboard or something.

Dude. Becca. I am about to die. From laughter and/or utter... utter... um... amazement. HA HA HAAA omigosh I love your vocabulary. More, your similes. That one about the nursing home made me almost pass out from laughing. Raxometer. Dude... *wipes tears of laughter from eyes *

Nice. And, also, it's bad to try to see in the dark.

Ha ha! Oh em gee just imagining that is enough to kill your cheek muscles (from smiling/laughing).

Wha whaa whaaattt. Opposite... shoulder....mine....nearest... brain.... explosion... But anyway, I'll pretend I get it and yeah that sounds like it was very funny. "Blank and almost dreamy", you say? Ok

You do? I must say though that. I was somewhat "hono(u)red" per say to have that be in a part of such a {insert complimenting adjective} blog post, that it was like hot chocolate. (By the way, that means that.... I guess I could just say that it was... nice? of you to say that. It was... is... cool, for lack of a better word. Well, ok, missing someone is not "cool" but I think you get what I am saying? And- get this- I, in fact, miss Becca Bushman.

Interesting. Sounds like a nice class. No seriously, this sounds really cool.

Collages are cool, man. They're fun. Have fun with it.

Ah yes, of course- choir! Such extravigent news. Omigosh again. I just love how you like... express your ideas like that. With that like "not a 'I need that on my ipod' kind of deal" stuff. And yeah. Ha ha, nice song names. Well, good luck/have fun/enjoy that concert on Tuesday. Wish I could come!!!

Nathan! That's too bad he says those things though. Well, as in "too bad" I mean "annoying/inconvenient" and you obviously already said that. I don't remember going through that sort of stage as a younger sibling... hmm. Ah well.

Ryan? The bagel guy? Fresca. Party! Oh I see.

Nope. Didn't know that. Now I do! That's so excellequent!