Sunday, October 26, 2008

Confessional No. 2

These confessionals will probably turn out to be like Amelia's blue ink things. Only more self-absorbed and not as entertaining.

Sometimes I act different around my friends as I do alone. I don't make an effort, and they don't try to change me. It's just like, my mind swaps...gears and I'm still me, but I'm not "Becca by herself with time to rattle on in her blog and play around with how she feels about the Twilight series and time and time and time to just think" Becca. I'm the more social version. Whatever being social when you're me is. I think I'm the same person...but also part of me is different.

Also, I can't decide about the Twilight thing. On the one hand, it's horridly mainstream. Well, that's an exaggeration, but still. And also, the amount of Flair on Facebook having to do with Twilight is grating my patience to powder. Edward is great, sure, I like him in Midnight Sun a lot, because I can understand where he's coming from. He's a very intense individual. But characters in books are never truly like real life characters. Sure, everyone wishes Jim on the Office was real, and Max was real, and Hogwarts was a real school. Well, I have. Call me hopeless. I say it's having an imagination. All right. With a touch of hopelessness. Due to naught but the abstract, slow-learning persona I have. And now people are hoping to death Edward is real. Sure, it might liven things up (ha, like the world hasn't been having as much action as to keep everyone's attention lately).

Also, I took a political test to see where...I stand I guess. According to the results, I was a Libertarian edging toward the left side, which was liberal. I know the little separate things that I see as right, but I've never really gotten into politics before.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Blue ink things. For some reason I laughed at that description. Oh and well thanks I think.

I see. In my opinion, we sort of all do. Blog is more social you say? Well that could be true yes. But really I don't/can't say things like that, considering the facts. We've all got parts (sides). We've all got yeah differences. (That was not supposed to take away your ... uniqueness of those sentences, in case I did...)

Yes, it's quiiite midstream. I'd almost not want to be Stephanie Meyer, having all those teenage girls and pre-teen girls and boys getting all wild, and like... it's up to you almost to make the characters "attractive". But actually no. Maybe?

Intense individual. Yesh. Yeah, we all like to fantasize about fictional characters. Why not? Like you said, its having an imagination. Now, I don't like the flair either or people like... "torturing" themselves about the absence of someone/thing, but why not have dreams? Well actually I shouldn't call them dreams. I just personally don't fully agree with using hopelessness. I won't elaborate, seeing as I don't like to contradict (is that the right word?) people much, let alone my friend, let alone on her own awesome blog. Ok.

Interesting. Politics is... yeah metaphors fail me.