Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Progressive Dinners

If you read my blog archive with just the titles you really have no idea what the blog entry is about. It's just a long convoluted phrase or a song stuck in my head or something that happened that day. It's not what the entry's content actually is. Tonight I did go to my first progressive dinner. And I guess I've found out a couple things in my life.

Guys don't like girls who try too hard. Well, I guess some guys do. But if you want to actually have guy friends you shouldn't giggle and twirl your hair at everything they say. Well, let me rephrase that. If giggling and twirling your hair is what comes naturally, sure, go ahead and giggle whilst twirling. Don't let me change who you are. And I know, now you say, well who says you're an expert? Why do you think you can share your knowledge of relationships with the world? Well imaginary protesters of my creative writing - I'm hardly sharing it with the world. Amelia will see it. And Anthony might if he looks at my blog in a week or two. But aside from that, it's no one. I hardly (there's that word again) need to explain at all. I don't think either of those two would care.

I don't want to be one of those people who leans too hard on others. Like, you can't go on dealing with problems yourself - you need them. There is no other way but to have them help you fix it. Because if you lean too hard on a friend they fall over, and it's almost like you pushed 'em down. No one wants a friend who abuses them like that, on top of being super needy. I want to be one of those people who likes having friends and values friendship highly, but who won't fall apart if a friend leaves them.

Just like...someone who can hold there own.

Still haven't started Brown's history thing.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Ha ha yeah. But dude, I love your "random" titles! They are tres creative. Progressive dinner eh? I just now found out what that was. Interesting.

"Imaginary protesters of your creative writing." - You betcha it's creative. Yeah ok. I'll just take your word about that flinging hair/giggling thing. Since when do people even giggle? That is so '90s. By '90s I mean so.. not... from the first century. Wow, I'm one of two lucky readers! But actually there might be more.

Totally, man. Oooooohhhhhh those were some NICE metaphors/smilies. Yes. Friends, especially those that are must-needed, are pretty much teh most important part of someone's life, save for the usual (food, water, family, etc)

Yeah, you know you had a good friend if you fall apart when they leave. And if you don't fall apart, then well... either you are extremely extremely... healthy in terms of mental health or something, or like they weren't the friend you sort of described, or inched towards.

Friends are nice. I dunno about that Brown's history thing though.