Saturday, September 13, 2008

My Lovely Recount

I want to make a

But I don't have one to make. So today today. Ahah....typed all four today's with no mistakes or pauses. Yeah, I'm good. And yeah, I'm often sarcastic.
My brother made the coolest flip-book you've ever seen. He's pretty much insanely talented at flip book making. And the patience he puts into it is astonishing.
So...I lost my voice. Rejoice, you may think. I don't mind it. Except the brief vague flicker of annoyance at my dad yelling at me from downstairs when I don't have a voice to yell back. And I can't tell him that, well because my voice is gone. The Office Season 4 Disc 2 came today. What a rush. I didn't do any chores this week, and my mom is excusing me from it taking into account my allergies, cold and voice-losing. And why I don't say larigitis is I don't know how to spell it. Spell Checker seems like stooping low today.

It was Dally, Amelia.

Cherry Passion TicTacs are my breath-mintastic passion. My guilty music pleasures are The Buggles and Britney Spears. Once the first time I got grounded from eating dessert for a week because I ate brownies that my mom told me not to for an after school snack, and one day at school I bought a big rice krispie treat. Then I was so frightened of her losing faith and trust in me I waited a couple years to tell her.

On the bus, I guess I'm used to how things work in A2, but I was talking to this new guy and asked if his little brother was annoying and he said he wasn't too bad. Then he asked me if I knew who was annoying, and I did something between supressing and letting a combination of a sigh and rolling of eyes escape me before saying tiredly (in a been there, done that, sort of way) "Me(?)" with a slight question. And get this, then he looked at me and said, " not you." and I said, "What? Oh really?" And it made me happy. I thought this dude was super duper nice just because he didn't think I was annoying. Huh.

I've been thinking, and I think sometimes looking back I realize what it was like for other people be around me. Like the older of my two younger brothers has I guess been entering the preteen/post-summer hysteria phase I went through. But since, like I said, I went through it, I understand both sides, being past it now (now that I've grown up into a young teenager- ha). In my year younger's shoes (ouch they pinch my toesies) I think, hey I'm making a good point. I deserve to be listened to. And I guess my soul was sort of getting a little out of hand, and losing my voice was due to yelling my Mom and Dad vs. trying to teach my friends a camp game that was a lost cause from the moment I mentioned eating the bunny. But from my point of view now, it can put an incredible damper on the family, just that one person. Especially when they use all that volume. But remembering it from being the person, and knowing full well that focusing on the positive was a load of crap every shrink'll throw at every emotionally struggling patient, I blocked it out and took it all as having tomatens (tomatoes - interesting theory I have by the the board...I belive they are technically a fruit and nutrionally a veggie. thrown at you after expecting applause after what you clearly considered at amazing treat for all who were viewing it. So I can relate to both sides. But I don't intervene or get caught up enough to be a middleman, and thank goodness that my brother and parents don't try to force me to pick a side, but keep it between themselves. Of course, it never gets very out of hand. It's like knowing what someone is going through, but what they're going through is feeling misunderstood, so they refuse to consider accepting you can relate.

so yeah. jolly good times.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Ok. Interesting. Yeah you're good. THAT wasn't sarcastic. Wow, I want one of those flip-books.

Losing your voice hurts. I hope you get it back. Ha ha. Dally it is, then. Thanks.

I want to try some of them Cherry Passion TicTacs. Buggles.... ok. Britney.... siiiiiigggghh. Toxic IS catchy though. Don't tell nobody I said that...

Were they good brownies?

Hey tell that new guy (isn't it like Michael or something?) I say hi from France. He sounds cool. You are not annoying. We all are.

"I deserve to be listened to. And I guess my soul was sort of getting a little out of hand..."

Yes. I do believe you are a writer. A good one at that, too.

I like your tomato theory. I like it a lot, actually. I liked that last part. So... poetic. So... Becca Bushman. Yes.