Monday, September 1, 2008

Annie Waits

School tomorrow. And I am looking slightly forward to it. It's (at the very least) something to do. I hear they mix up classes too, which is good. Because as D says, there are three pros to this new twist:
- you get to be with more friends
- get to get to know a bigger variety
- get to escape from the folks you're not too keen on

This upcoming year will be good. I guess I've grown a lot. Funny how you never notice you're changing when it's happening, then you look back and realize how far you've come. That's a great song btw. How Far We've Come. And also, as I was saying, when you look back and realize you've changed, you're still changing as you're observing changes from the past. Change is constant.

So yeah. School will be a lot different this year. I'm different. You may not like it. That's fine, I mean, I'm not out to please other people. I'm kind of happy at where I'm at. Except saving up for Chicago. That'll take...time. But it'll be amazing when I'm done with it.

Finished Breaking Dawn. I liked it a lot. I've been hearing a lot of stuff about how it's really bizarre and it sucked. Ah well. We all have our opinions, right? The title is because that song is stuck in my head, and I really like it. Speaking of that title, I really like Ben Folds. And The Office. And Flight of the Conchords. Today we're celebrating my cousin's daughter's (second cousin's?) birthday. Branden's new hobby is to lay around doing and saying nothing. He's also (Nathan too) turning pretty violent. Yesterday I considered me being the cause, seeing as how I showed them their first YouTube video (that pretty big one about muffins) and they took charge from there. Since then it's pretty much been absurd stupid pointless wastes of space that include various violent jokes, swear words, Mario and Brawl parodies and one sick video I don't wish to delve once again into the details of.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

You're so lucky you get 8th grade at Slauson. Oh, mixing up classes, eh? Interesting.

Yes, change is weird like that.

It's good you're happy with who you are. That always helps with life. I'm sure you're still awesome. Good luck with Chicago.

I still need to get Breaking Dawn- good that you liked it. That is a good song, and Ben Folds does rock. Happy birthday to your (second cousin?) Wow, their first YouTube video. Are they hooked?

Have fun at school. I'm sure you will. I wish I was better friends with D.