Saturday, September 13, 2008

Outside Seriousness with Cornflakes

A Miley Cyrus song has been stuck in my head for a couple hours. You don't know how that eats at you - unless you're a victim yourself. Nah, Miley's okay. It's just, I keep feeling like I'm going to wake up and realize with a so huge it's almost life threatening wave of relief that it was all a dream, a very surreal dream. I think people paying so much for gas is taking a toll on their sanity, because Miley and marketing are like Romeo and Juliet. Macoroni and Cheese. Batman and Robin. PB and J. Thunder and Lightning. Cherry and Passionfruit in the new ultimate favorite TicTac combo flavor of mine. Laughter and jokes. But at the same's like Edward and Bella. Sure they're totally intertwined, but from the outside view, in all honesty, they shouldn't be. If Edward had just made one slip, she'd be toast. Well no, she'd be drained of blood because Edward would be unable to control the overpowering urge of desire that would drive him to the ends of the Earth just to...just yeah. I mean, she's so overmarketed I can't go on the computer for half an hour and go online without a like advertisment coming up saying 'Would you like to take the free MILEY CYRUS QUIZ? Find out how much you know about the legendary pop superstar teen!" I mean, Miley Cyrus has basically taking over the world. Kids in Make a Wish want to meet Miley. As their wish. They can have anything in the world. And then of course, the fact that you can't pick up a single magazine without her face being plastered either on the cover or on one of the inside pages. She's for her fans. They've grown to a point where if Miley is taken away the world will erupt in chaos.

As if the world wasn't in bad enough shape already.

No but really, I'm rather undistressed. That whole thing was sarcastic. Well, except I do believe she's enormously overrmarketed and that the world isn't in the best position if something happens, but the rest was just fluff to support (what I think is the obvious) my theory (theories, you mean. You're never content with just one, are you?).

Huh. Guess I missed blogging. Can't stay away, can I? Stop asking them questions, you're asking enough of them already, to read what you've written. Isn't that torture enough? Now cut that out, I'm a good writer.

Haha...actually I am not crazy. Not in that way anyway. And I am sarcastic. Don't worry about me, I've been tired today.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Oh god. I feel your pain. Well, actually luckily I've never had a Miley Cyrus song stuck in my head like that, but just one second of a song or seeing her was bad for my health. But anyway. She has problems. The world has problems. Problems like HER. Like you said. I like your similes. I like your points. And I know I'm not supposed to approve, but at least I'm not insulting you, right? Yeah you're a good writer. She IS over-marketed. It's unhealthy. For everyone and everything. I sure hope people don't remember her as an artist. I agree with you.

Nice new playlist by the way. Time is a good song. And nice new gadgets and whatnot. Seriously. Ok.