Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Today I was thinking about how truly stupid it is to be normal. What I was laughing at is that little box that say "moderate comments". As if I'll ever get more than 4 comments per entry. It would be nice if more of my friends did blogs too, but you give and take, you know. Ever procrastinate? I'm like the ultimate master of procrastination. I know I hate to brag, but do statements of fact count as bragging? I wonder....anyway, I was just thinking about stuff. You know when you really care about someone and love them, but you don't know them all that well (say it's been a year or so) and they're doing something. You don't really feel comfortable with it, even though you think they're doing it to be nice to you or make you feel better or protected or for whatever reason. But they don't need to do that. See the thing is, it's hard to tell someone to stop doing things that they think are benefiting you. It's awkward and you feel unsettled and guilty, but it's the right thing to do (there's no way around that) so you feel like you have to. But ugh. It's not cool. Ugh is my word of the day by the way. Oh and tally hall is a group that my wonderful friends told me about and I think they're really good and just unknown. I love their song good day. And another favorite is Viva La Vida by Coldplay. It's like perfection in music form. Check it out, you won't be sorry. I've never advertised before, but it was worth a shot I s'pose.


Amelia said...

Yeah. It's kind of funny to read your blog and know what you're talking about but you still don't say it so obviously. You have a great blog. Yes, and Viva la Vida IS awesome.

Anthony Fulton said...

Well, i know what you are talking about (its been a year or so). Don't worry about it. That doesn't happen much. Just forget about it.