Saturday, June 21, 2008

Considering the obvious as more than "fluff"

Amelia: of course
i like writing most of the time
but its annoying because uhave to make thoughts that u understand in your mind understandable to others and transfer them into normal english
i wrote a few pages on that

You know, I don't even know what to think half the time. I mean, I contradict myself, I hog the computer, I trip over my own feet and trip on other people and make them trip, I can be annoying, I can be defensive, I can be a wimp. It's all statements of fact. But in fact statements of fact can be worded as insults. So then do they remain statements of fact or are they twisted so they aren't so much facts as accusations. Is insulting yourself or others better? Then again, here comes round the question "Is it ok to insult others or yourself (for me it's almost always myself) if it's true?" But if the statements of fact are twisted, it's not really the truth anymore, is it? Well you can answer that one for yourself.

Oh and you know, I've been thinking. Well OK, almost every if not all these blog entries are about thinking for me. But is it OK to tell a secret about someone after promising not to but think it was for the greater good. Also, this trust thing is hard. You work and work and work to build it, then you can lose it in a second. Almost makes you wonder if it's worth it, even though you know you wouldn't go far without at least one person trusting you.

Is it ok to question someone's lifestyle because it isn't your own? I'm all for open mindedness but what if the person is solemnly convinced that their lifestyle is "the" lifestyle and there is no other and you are wrong. Sure use the line "I respect your opinion and would appreciate if you repected mine." but then what? You're left to consider. I like those questions at school with no right or wrong answer. Because instead of focusing your mind on solving one question, you can consider all possibilities. Would this change if I was older? Does the past influence my decision, or is it about the present? I've come to the conclusion that fate does not exist. There I said it. Yep. I think destiny isn't real. Let me explain before you yell at me for questioning the inevitable. There is logic (well my form of logic) behind this. You see, we make choices everyday. We decide to breath, to open our eyes, to talk to people to talk to us, to eat or skip breakfast, what to wear, how we take insults, if we smile at people when we meet them or scowl, etc. So you see, our choices in the past have made our present what it is today, sure other factors weigh in but in general it's how we act accordingly that makes us who we are. The choices we make now affect the future. And the future is the result of choices made in the past and choices we're making now. So nothing is set in stone. The only thing constant is change. Little change, and nothing everything has to change at once. Not saying that will never happen. Because it can and will in some cases. Life is a roller coaster. It's unpredictable. Never give up, because as long as you have air to breath and choices to make life isn't over. Don't give up on life before it gives up on you. It's a waste. You have so many opportunities, so many changes and chances. Don't think that your path is laid out before you. Think of yourself making your own path and being happy you don't have to be anyone but you. Now that I'm done with the cheesy speech, make what you will of it.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Heh heh...that was Becca Bushman all right. I like your style of writing. You challenge the obvious (your titles are SO SO...awesome) and don't really care if it makes sense. That's good. And, I guess thanks for the quotes at the top. I liked that post. And I think I might agree with you.