Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm clumsy. I eat a lot sometimes when I'm upset. I'm self conscious. I get jealous. I think mean thoughts. I watch Disney Channel.

Sometimes I give up on homework. I know it's bad and I should be preparing for upcoming homework loads now, but I slack off. I don't care. I decide the story problem isn't important enough to get an equation. Who am I to decide that?

I overuse sarcasm. I'm a hypocrite. When I have bad days sometimes I'm not rational about it and take it out on other people. I get mad too easily. I yell at my parents too much.

I don't know how I feel. Sometimes I don't give myself time to organize my thoughts. Sometimes I don't think before I speak. I have problems with time management. I don't pay attention sometimes. I make harsh judgements. I butt in to things that don't concern me, then get mad at other people for doing the same. I don't do things when I say I will. I complain. I'm a wimp. I'm obsessed with Twilight even though I'm sick of it. I talk in inanimate objects sometimes. Not seriously, but I mutter at them under my breath. I worry worry worry about what other people say about me.

I'm not perfect - not that anyone said I was. I'm just not.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Becca, you are amazing. Everything you listed, we all do. Don't be so down on yourself. You understand friendship, love, hope, kindness and so many wonderful things that some people never get to see, you are loved by your friends and family. Just believe in yourself. You are a good person. You do act responsibly, you just...are...pure-hearted. Please be happy.

I love you, Alex.