Monday, December 29, 2008

The fire

Sometimes I just need to write something down and i feel something really strongly. But it'll go away if I don't capture it in the moment and keep it with me. Like Hermione with her jar of fire in Harry Potter.

So, I'm sad to tell you this epiphany happened to me on Facebook. I was just messing around, when suddenly and very abruptly an obvious truth about myself hit me. Well, a series of them. First of all, I'm very liberal. I think sometimes people are just born being that way. Or, you know, they expand from the environment they grew up in or whatever. And you can change, sure. But no one taught me to be liberal. I mean, I don't have a conservative family, but no one said, this is the right way to be, to me. Which is in a sense, being liberal. So maybe I did learn it.

These are good.

You go, Glen Coco. Haha.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

I. Love. Your. Titles. And related concepts.

Sure. Actually, yeah. The concepts you bring up... yeah. Not really like the caste system, where you're just automatically born somewhere in society. And yet this is sort of all we know, or at least the first perhaps. And then you might ignore it until now, and wonder how you got there. At least you know you got there. (<--makes no sense)

Re: links
Looks.. worthy.

I'll just assume that's funny.