Thursday, December 25, 2008

Annoyance 1.5

12:12 PMyou know what i have a problem with?
Anthony: i know some things, but what were you specifically planning to tell me at this moment
me: the lack of blue foods
12:13 PM blueberries arent even really blue
Anthony: yeah
me: theyre...indiago
that was spelled wrong
Anthony: yeah
me: and then
they have blue raspberry flavors
i like blue raspberry flavors
Anthony: yeah
me: but blue raspberries arent real
12:14 PM they are no naturally blue foods
if you want a blue food, you have to take a food and add blue to it
how wrong is that?
Anthony: so wrong
12:15 PM me: exactly
of all the things not to have in this world
why have is be blue foods?
is = it
i would have rather had them take away laugh boxes
12:16 PM hey
can i copy and paste this
on my blog
for an annoyance?
Anthony: shoore


Anthony Fulton said...

agh! i had no idea i sounded like such a zombie. i was paying attention, though it might not seem like it. I didn't know what else to say is all.

Amelia said...

I thought you sounded fine, seriously. No seriously. I liked that "shoore" at the end.

I guess blue just isn't very natural.