Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I think my jellyfish Sniffly will be from the Sunken City of Atlantis

Hey guys. I dunno if you know this, but stuff is going on. The U.S. maybe just be on the brink of the second Great Depression. This is actually happening. To the U.S. In the U.S. The U.S. is involved in a lot of stuff. Most of it does not, however, drastically forfeit, change, or twist the lives of middle class ordinary teenage soon-to-be citizens trying to yank their grades up enough to make a living in adulthood. Because, see, people don't usually come here to wreak their havoc. "We" pack up and go to them. Under any conditions - invitations are definitely not necessary. We're kind of like that spoiled little kid who invites themself over to your house and plays with all your toys and eats all your food and pushes you around. But at the same time, whenever something happens to us, we take it so cooly I wonder if all the adults of the country have combined to either

a) pull an April Fool's prank on us - In September
b) try to disguise the fact that we may actually have to control our portions for more reasons than to prevent obesity

Anyway, yesterday the stock market took the biggest plummet in U.S. history - 707 points, was it? Danggg dawg. I dunno stocks, but that doesn't sound pleasant. Also, the war. And the war debt. And the innocent people dying. And the starving people dying. And the people dying of diseases because they can't pay for the shots or don't have doctors in their area. And the poor people in our area. And the homeless people. And Mad Cow Disease. And Bird Flu. And allergies. And hay fever. And money issues. And people not listening to one another. And population growth problems. And whaling. And nuclear waste dumping. And oil spills. And weak fingers like mine. And the hole in the o-zone. And he-said, she-said dating. And Juno plots turning into real life stories. And drugs, and alcohol, and sex, and life.

We got a lot on our plate.
And I'm not too hungry, are you?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Puffs Plus

For me, there's only one Kleenex. Well, on favorite. I still use other tissues. I'll use toilet paper, for pete sakes. I'm not the kind of person who says "It's my way or no way" because there are always multiple ways to do things. Anyway, my favorite tissue is Puffs Plus Lotion. It's very soft.

Becca, I do believe the expression is "For Pete's sake" not, as previously listed, for pete sakes. I do believe you're right Becca.

Yesterday I watched this show called Jesus Camp, about people who are extreme Evangelists. It was interesting, sure, but you have to keep an open mind watching it if you're not an extreme Evangelist yourself. It's very different - very intense. So brace yourself if you plan on watching it.

So in redoing my room one wall is green, and the rest are a white shade so artfully called Deep in Thought (fitting, for me, don't you think? Only jokin'). And this bedspread and then these weird shades. Hardwood floor, a cool rug, and huge headboard, and a custom closet. This is the first time redoing my room since I was about 6, and I had a fake phone that was pink and soft with polyster/plastic fake flowers and a itchy purple fluffy polyster thing wrapping around it sort of like a lion's mane-- sorry, you couldn't possibly have known I left, but I did. My brother gave me a birthday invitation to his party, so I had to go over and use my grandma's phone to RSVP. the family got a kick out of it - what else am I here for?-- and a barbie bedspread, and a giant desk (in my room at that point). But it'll be different now. I used to actually share a room with my brother, and I would always yell at him to be quiet. I couldn't pronounce his name at that point, so the 'th' became an 's'. But still - it was cool.

I'm very glad I found my kindred spirit in terms of weirdness. Me and H totally get each other and are really weird together. While I usually get confused looks from even the best of friends at my bizarre, mostly dry and sarcastic with of course, some strangeness thrown in for good measure, sense of humor, or inquiries like, "Is it a Becca thing?", H gets it. I hope we get to play ping pong again.

Yeah. That was fun.

I want to get an Office poster, and a Dwight bobblehead, and a Flight of the Conchords poster for my room. I was thinking about a Dundie award thing too. All available at the NBC Universal Store (which I guess means, as Steve said, if The Office was sent to other planets, if they have even the slightest bit of life possible, they would respond, even aliens get obsessed). But I was thinking, I don't want to looked totally hooked on Office, but at the same time I want people to know the truth up front. And I guess the best way to make an accurate first impression is to do it without words, because the verbal ones have tripped me up in the past.

And guess what? My fingers are very weak. So I have to exercise them with sticky tack. And strengthening balls. The works.

at one point in this blog it says on where it should say one - so if on doesnt make sense, it's probly supposed to be one. i just couldn't find it when I went back to look.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, no clue
I honestly just speculate, how about you?
I'm going through a Dr. Seuss phase, starting five minutes past
As you can tell from this lively post it's really been a blast.
My room is being redecorated - re-done, re-excavated
It's all new to me but I believe interior design to be rather underrated.
You see, a lot of thought has gone into this process.
Paint colors, bedding, floor, closets, but none the less
I still don't know if being an interior designer is what I desire
It would be a crusher if my room burned down in a fire

and now when my brain goes dead.
i don't think i'll have an open room
sam is right, it's too self-centered.
and even thought my room is amazing to me, no one else will care as much as i do.
sometimes other people's opinions help your own out.

I don't know what re-excavated means either.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Today was....(insert adjective)

Wow. Today. todaytodaytoday. I think I need a hug. Not a little brother hug, where's it's either paired with repeated...and repeated...and repeated pats on the back, or ends after a couple second, when they yell "freak!" and dart off to otherwise occupy themselves. Not a dad hug, where he says, "Hey Becca, thanks for the hug! I really love you!" after every time. Not a mom hug, where it's gentle and she rubs my back then lays out her strategy for banishing my stress or melancholyness. I guess, just a wordless, firm, helpful help. I don't need it of course. But they can help upon occasion. Sometimes a hug is all it takes.

When do you call it when The Office episodes are a disappointment? I thought I'd never see the day. I keep waiting for something to happen, and nothing does. How frustrating. I've started keeping a journal. I find it helps, and even thought I may not realize it (I'm sure you all have - well, the two of you) that I have a lot to say. It kind of helps, because I haven't really been as wild with my emotions as last year. Putting it out on paper helps me recognize the emotions are there, even if it doesn't include throwing tantrums and screaming my head off. And funnily enough, I don't remember ever losing my voice last year. I guess my esophagus saw the terrible preteen round coming and buffed up, giving me sort of a temporary immunity for the world of frog-in-throatness, which would have undoubtedly driven me up the wall last year. But now that I've decided to sort of control myself, whenever I get hyped up, my voice fails on me. A terrible thing.

What offends you? I don't get offended too easily. I don't like people hating on my family. I don't really care when B-H tells me Proactiv would really help, because my forehead had gotten so read over the summer. And I don't mind people informing me that they know more about something then me, as in "You don't really know anything about Halo, do you?" or whatever. Because, though it's probably rhetorical, it's simple enough to respond, "Nope."

Well, Imma go strengthen my pinky's. Seeyalateralligator.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What couldya do with a yoga mat?

I'm sick and tired of making lists.

I swapped to German! Yay! and Advisory too!
the only thing I feel bad about is that I'm leaving all my stuff in Spanish behind for everyone else to clean up and my partner is partnerless and me and Florian did that interview for nothing.

In choir (my voice was somewhat back - i lost it over the weekend), I realized, as I had before, that lower notes were much easier to sing. And as I'm a soprano (I had just finished singing a high scale and then jumped down to the alto part - you trip over one note and you're sentenced to life as an opera singer. No, I like being soprano. I just wish I coulda proved through my scale singing that I am capable of doing all alto, mezzo and soprano), it's been difficult to adjust to not being able to sing the part I'm in in a choir class.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Pop that....bub...ble

Let me just say, I do not hate Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana. I just believe they/she/them/those two/you know...are overmarketed. N yeah.

We were going to get Burger King, but B wanted a Whopper and couldn't have one and yadda yadda yadda.

The problem is I start to make a point I care a little, if not nothing about. It's an undercurrent of competitive-ness, needing to get the final word in. More of a final word than, 'yeah. definitely. you are so right.'

I'm starting to speak like people in The Office. Minus the funny. I'm saying Absolutely and Definitely and when people talk I insert a few yeahs and ohs and uh huhs along the way for good measure.

And you know when you feel like you're writing something, and it just clicks as be THE TRUTH or THE RIGHT THING TO TYPE and almost like something in your conscious clicks and you leave the world where making typos is an easily caught plague and itching your cheek is a secret system in hope of stimulating your lagging thoughts and brain power. You fly, your innnr writer is unleashed and everything is crucial, you can't stop....and I just had to leave the computer to see who was calling on the phone.


i should do hw.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The History Channel

The History Channel is pretty gory. Today I was watching a program that originated from the very source mentioned earlier and they were talking about this guy with became famous from his being brutal and in general, brutality. He had a system called 'the ordeal' where he would stick (if you don't like gory some-may-say-disgusting tales of historical means of rooting good from bad, visit this blog for entertainment more entertaining awe inspiring and smile inducing then this one. Or this entry.) The ordeal was this guy sticking a pepper in a pot of boiling water and having the prisoners stick their hands in the pot and retrieve the pepper. They would get their hand all taped up, and a coupl days later a priest would see if the person's hand was healing. If it was, they were innocent. And if it wasn't they were guilty.
The History Channel is one of my least favorite channels. I have a spare few I really steer clear from - the sex channels, the country music video channels, MTV or VH1 when Shot at Love and Room Raiders and Rob and Big and Making the Band and all that are having marathons. I like The Paper and ANTM fine. But some shows I could do without.
Sometimes I wonder how much a person has to pay their employer to have the job they have. Now I'm not stupid - I know people work from employers so the employers can pay them. But I just cannot comprehend how certain people have the life situation they have. They have to be paying their moey providers with something pretty darn convincing, valuable, or unique. Pity only goes so far, especially in business, right?
How are some people paying the bills when they don't know how to operate with the career they've established for themselves?
I want a job, Besides the PTO thrift shop I mean.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Outside Seriousness with Cornflakes

A Miley Cyrus song has been stuck in my head for a couple hours. You don't know how that eats at you - unless you're a victim yourself. Nah, Miley's okay. It's just, I keep feeling like I'm going to wake up and realize with a so huge it's almost life threatening wave of relief that it was all a dream, a very surreal dream. I think people paying so much for gas is taking a toll on their sanity, because Miley and marketing are like Romeo and Juliet. Macoroni and Cheese. Batman and Robin. PB and J. Thunder and Lightning. Cherry and Passionfruit in the new ultimate favorite TicTac combo flavor of mine. Laughter and jokes. But at the same time...it's like Edward and Bella. Sure they're totally intertwined, but from the outside view, in all honesty, they shouldn't be. If Edward had just made one slip, she'd be toast. Well no, she'd be drained of blood because Edward would be unable to control the overpowering urge of desire that would drive him to the ends of the Earth just to...just yeah. I mean, she's so overmarketed I can't go on the computer for half an hour and go online without a like advertisment coming up saying 'Would you like to take the free MILEY CYRUS QUIZ? Find out how much you know about the legendary pop superstar teen!" I mean, Miley Cyrus has basically taking over the world. Kids in Make a Wish want to meet Miley. As their wish. They can have anything in the world. And then of course, the fact that you can't pick up a single magazine without her face being plastered either on the cover or on one of the inside pages. She's like...like...water for her fans. They've grown to a point where if Miley is taken away the world will erupt in chaos.

As if the world wasn't in bad enough shape already.

No but really, I'm rather undistressed. That whole thing was sarcastic. Well, except I do believe she's enormously overrmarketed and that the world isn't in the best position if something happens, but the rest was just fluff to support (what I think is the obvious) my theory (theories, you mean. You're never content with just one, are you?).

Huh. Guess I missed blogging. Can't stay away, can I? Stop asking them questions, you're asking enough of them already, to read what you've written. Isn't that torture enough? Now cut that out, I'm a good writer.

Haha...actually I am not crazy. Not in that way anyway. And I am sarcastic. Don't worry about me, I've been tired today.

My Lovely Recount

I want to make a

But I don't have one to make. So today...today today today. Ahah....typed all four today's with no mistakes or pauses. Yeah, I'm good. And yeah, I'm often sarcastic.
My brother made the coolest flip-book you've ever seen. He's pretty much insanely talented at flip book making. And the patience he puts into it is astonishing.
So...I lost my voice. Rejoice, you may think. I don't mind it. Except the brief vague flicker of annoyance at my dad yelling at me from downstairs when I don't have a voice to yell back. And I can't tell him that, well because my voice is gone. The Office Season 4 Disc 2 came today. What a rush. I didn't do any chores this week, and my mom is excusing me from it taking into account my allergies, cold and voice-losing. And why I don't say larigitis is I don't know how to spell it. Spell Checker seems like stooping low today.

It was Dally, Amelia.

Cherry Passion TicTacs are my breath-mintastic passion. My guilty music pleasures are The Buggles and Britney Spears. Once the first time I got grounded from eating dessert for a week because I ate brownies that my mom told me not to for an after school snack, and one day at school I bought a big rice krispie treat. Then I was so frightened of her losing faith and trust in me I waited a couple years to tell her.

On the bus, I guess I'm used to how things work in A2, but I was talking to this new guy and asked if his little brother was annoying and he said he wasn't too bad. Then he asked me if I knew who was annoying, and I did something between supressing and letting a combination of a sigh and rolling of eyes escape me before saying tiredly (in a been there, done that, sort of way) "Me(?)" with a slight question. And get this, then he looked at me and said, "Wha..no not you." and I said, "What? Oh really?" And it made me happy. I thought this dude was super duper nice just because he didn't think I was annoying. Huh.

I've been thinking, and I think sometimes looking back I realize what it was like for other people be around me. Like the older of my two younger brothers has I guess been entering the preteen/post-summer hysteria phase I went through. But since, like I said, I went through it, I understand both sides, being past it now (now that I've grown up into a young teenager- ha). In my year younger's shoes (ouch they pinch my toesies) I think, hey I'm making a good point. I deserve to be listened to. And I guess my soul was sort of getting a little out of hand, and losing my voice was due to yelling my Mom and Dad vs. trying to teach my friends a camp game that was a lost cause from the moment I mentioned eating the bunny. But from my point of view now, it can put an incredible damper on the family, just that one person. Especially when they use all that volume. But remembering it from being the person, and knowing full well that focusing on the positive was a load of crap every shrink'll throw at every emotionally struggling patient, I blocked it out and took it all as having tomatens (tomatoes - interesting theory I have by the way...by the board...I belive they are technically a fruit and nutrionally a veggie. Eh...eh?) thrown at you after expecting applause after what you clearly considered at amazing treat for all who were viewing it. So I can relate to both sides. But I don't intervene or get caught up enough to be a middleman, and thank goodness that my brother and parents don't try to force me to pick a side, but keep it between themselves. Of course, it never gets very out of hand. It's like knowing what someone is going through, but what they're going through is feeling misunderstood, so they refuse to consider accepting you can relate.

so yeah. jolly good times.

Friday, September 12, 2008

All the Tidbits and Trinkets

So...life's okay.
Good position with friends, I want to switch out of Spanish to German with Hannah and out of my advis. teacher's class.
Amelia, please explain why 2001 A Space Odessey is such a phenomenon. It may have something to do with the fact that I can't clearly hear anything the people are saying, but I'm not getting any epiphanies out of it.
I like Scrubs too.
Oooh..Office Season 4 started coming via NetFlix.
So yeah, my voice is kind of gone, but I talk to D on the phone a ton, me and C are becoming better friends, I'm not scared or intimidated about interacting with new people, and it's aye oh kay.
And yes, I guess I am a little weird.

Plus I lost my iPod.
Luckily, they made a new iPod. And a new iP Touch....with built in speakers (wicked)!
but one kid can only ask for so much.

Ever realize how we gripe about having to do our dishes or copy pages of notes from the overhead or having our cell phone be dead?
Well, at least have we have dishes and food to put on the dishes to eat. And then of course, we have sufficient means to clean the dishes so eating the food we have is a safe experiment, with no dangers of food poisoning or infection or whatever cause. At least we have the opportunity to get an education as the foundation of our life and finicial position in the modern world. At least we have someone who teaches us and puts the notes on the overhead. Doggonit, at least we have the freakin' overhead. At least we have cell phones - at least we have the means to charge our cell phones.

We are living in a almost surreal position. We have so much and it's spoiling us rotten - the world, that's right.
Amelia, you're in France. And I know it's not the trip to Paris experience they potray in movies by the way you described it. But at least you went their for an opportunity for your family. You weren't carted off to be sold as a slave with scarely a 2ft by 6ft area of space for yourself. At least you got to travel in an airplane with padded seats and music and refreshments and security and a nice educated pilot and helpful flight attendents and little packs of peanuts and pretzels and maybe even little built in TV screens. And if the plane had crashed, you would have had methods preplanned to get you and everyone out, so you would be safe. And I know you miss us, and don't get me wrong - we miss you. But just think how wonderuflly awesomely amazing it is compared to HOW IT COULD BE.

just finished The Outsiders. I liked it. And I don't think I'll go with the purple gluestick route for Halloween. It's a dream yet to be fufilled, right?

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Things can sometimes be pros and cons.
hence the title.

lunch today was funny.
I thought of a few annoyances. Not in order. Not that decisive yet.

No. 1 - when people hit other people because you're not paying attention to them.
No. 2 - when people are critical of everything you do that they don't agree with.

I AM going to be my own person. I'm too far that road to turn back now.
Especially considering gas prices.
There goes Chicago savings.
Plus, due to all that and on top of it personal preference, I think I'll stay me
(thank you very much).

I'm No Superman

hmmm....what is there to say?

1st hr: is always interesting. my teacher seems worse when i'm not in the class. oh, teacher is widely hated for sure. but i think he's all right.

2nd hr: teacher is nice, class is loud and a choice few are clueless. never boring, never respectful, never quiet, never productive.

3rd hr: is okay. i've always liked the class. got placed where i thought i would be. trying to figure out something about the system the teacher uses with a certain group of students. tons of kids in that class.

4th hr: its not a favorite. today we drew our own coat of arms. i would have rather been reading the Outsiders.

5th hr: eh, not so bad. not my golden class, but not horrific.

6th hr: always a rush, considering last year's teacher didn't cover any of the material we needed to know for this class. i like the class though. the people in it are great too.

7th hr: relaxing end of the day class. nice teacher, we're not doing worksheets everyday like last year's teacher (always a plus). it's nice.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Annie Waits

School tomorrow. And I am looking slightly forward to it. It's (at the very least) something to do. I hear they mix up classes too, which is good. Because as D says, there are three pros to this new twist:
- you get to be with more friends
- get to get to know a bigger variety
- get to escape from the folks you're not too keen on

This upcoming year will be good. I guess I've grown a lot. Funny how you never notice you're changing when it's happening, then you look back and realize how far you've come. That's a great song btw. How Far We've Come. And also, as I was saying, when you look back and realize you've changed, you're still changing as you're observing changes from the past. Change is constant.

So yeah. School will be a lot different this year. I'm different. You may not like it. That's fine, I mean, I'm not out to please other people. I'm kind of happy at where I'm at. Except saving up for Chicago. That'll take...time. But it'll be amazing when I'm done with it.

Finished Breaking Dawn. I liked it a lot. I've been hearing a lot of stuff about how it's really bizarre and it sucked. Ah well. We all have our opinions, right? The title is because that song is stuck in my head, and I really like it. Speaking of that title, I really like Ben Folds. And The Office. And Flight of the Conchords. Today we're celebrating my cousin's daughter's (second cousin's?) birthday. Branden's new hobby is to lay around doing and saying nothing. He's also (Nathan too) turning pretty violent. Yesterday I considered me being the cause, seeing as how I showed them their first YouTube video (that pretty big one about muffins) and they took charge from there. Since then it's pretty much been absurd stupid pointless wastes of space that include various violent jokes, swear words, Mario and Brawl parodies and one sick video I don't wish to delve once again into the details of.