Thursday, November 27, 2008


Hmm. Today.

I got an iPod touch for my b-day! And this nail thing and this...well it's hard to describe. But it's cool. Two of my best friends are coming over tomorrow. My only concern is that if we spend too much time together we'll get sick of each other. And it's seriously a concern.

I got to talk to Amelia today. Though neither of us is the most natural at talking on the phone (well, sorry if that's offensive Amelia) it was still great. say this without sounding creepy. I missed the sound of her voice....? Well, she'll know what I mean, either way.

I read Tina's blog. That's....I have to think about that.

(returning to the family room where my cousin Laura was watching my brothers and cousin play SSBB)
Laura: So is there a time limit?
Josh: No, there's no time limit.
Me: You can take as long as you want to kill them.
Laura: Kill them slowly.
Me: Make it painful.
Branden: I'm tired of watching you fight this guy. Pick someone else to kill.

Sadistic, right? It was funny, if you were there.

Gah. I love my friends.


Karina said...

Becca Becca Becca!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like me, I was playing some war game, and so there's a tazer right? And so instead of just shooting the guy, I decide its more fun to tazer him over and over. Cruel, I know.
And then my uncle was playing and I was "shoot him! SHOOT HIM!" in like a totally excited way.

I know my titles are totally irrelevant, but they are relevent, just not to the blog, but to my life in general. Weird huh?

Becca said...

Thank you (:

Yeah I know. We hate pain, but then when it's virtual it's okay and invigorating.

No. You make a lot of sense to me.

Amelia said...

Hey, here's a virtual happy birthday, Becca!!! That is sooo coool about the iPod touch. I highly doubt that will happen (the sick of friends thing).

Ha. Nah, no offense taken. That is not creepy at all. Well, it IS creepy in the sense that... we haven't seen/heard each other in forever, creepy in the case of "ugh"y. But yes. I missed the sound of your voice. In a non-creepy way.


Ha, yeah it seems like video games do- well ok you guys already said this. Nevermind then. But yeah yay.

Gah, we love you.