Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dang It. And double dang it because titles can't have italics.

me: did you do the additional practice too?
8:17 PM Sam: yes
me: do you have it?
Sam: yes
me: do you want to try and explain it
to a slow learner?
8:18 PM Sam: which one?
me: 6b
Sam: whats the question?
8:19 PM me: If the pattern continues, what is the total # of squash that would be produced by day 22? By day 26?
Sam: yeah?
how do you not get that
wich word
me: no
8:20 PM im trying the cross multiplication
Sam: why?
me: but i keep getting like
.4 squash
Sam: that makes no sense!
me: i dunno
is there a different way?
Sam: wait
me: sorry sorry
Sam: ok
at 15
you have 1
me: mhm
Sam: and then at 16
you have 3
and then you have 5
me: yeah
Sam: then7
then 9
then 11
me: ok
Sam: etc
me: sure
8:21 PM Sam: its really not that complicated
just continue the pattern
me: well okay
that seems....too easy
Sam: it isnt
you are over thinking it
all they want to do
is make you continue the pattern
me: patterns
8:22 PM so scratch the one over 360 equals x over 880 hours?
Sam: huh?
8:23 PM me: i coulda sworn i was onto something
Sam: uh...
i hate to say this
my opinion of you
sort of dropped slightly
me: okay
8:24 PM 1) ouch
2) doesnt everyone overanalyze sometimes?
Sam: well
not that far
me: it was because
a squash would grow every 12 hours
since each day there are two more
and a day is 24 hours
8:25 PM Sam: only after
me: no i know
Sam: and the equation is
me: i had incorporated that in there
Sam: y=(x-15)2-1
me: ok
well i didnt get that equation
because i was
8:26 PM multiplying 22 by 24
to do is in hours
Sam: right
me: *it
i know it was wrong, okay?
im not dumb
well, i kinda feel that way right now
maybe i am
8:27 PM but it made....there was a chance it could have felt like i was onto something at the time
Sam: just
leets talk about something else
me: ok
8:28 PM Sam: i g2g

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Geez. Wow. I'm not sure I (italicized) get that equation either... squashes are good though! Such mathematical chat..ting. Wish I was in that class. Nice of Sam though.

And yeah, they so SHOULD have italics in titles! And different fonts! And colors!