Sunday, November 9, 2008

Alien Headache

An alien headache is a headache on the top of your head. It is called so because when said headache is massaged it looks like you've been posessed with an alien who is driving to you to suck out your own brain.

I knew I had one when I was getting out the camera to take a picture of the first accumulating snow of the year and found myself seeing that it was snowing in the kid's office. Well, I knew I had the headache before then. I realized how delusional they can make you when I saw snow on the inside. I had tomato with lime soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. And mini chocolate chip cookies. It was great.

We talked about chasity and sexual purity for both of my lessons in church. In each one, I said, 'euu' (pronounced noise of disgust or grossedoutedness). The first time was when one teacher said, 'It is wrong to have sexual relations at age 14'. The other was when a leader was telling us how she went to a party at age 14 and it was a make out party AND the parents were upstairs allowing all these 14 year old kids to intertwine in the dark and spread herpes...through...the mouth, luckily. But still. The world these days.

Leader: The wise man saw a figure making dance - like movements by the sea...
Hannah: A finger?
Me: Figure.

I just keep picturing a finger dancing on the seashore. What's more, later in the story it said, the figure appeared to be that of a young man. Insert finger where it's needed. I just thought it was funny. And we sang How Can I Keep From Singing? in YW. I thought it was a good or a dream at first. I thought we were done with it. It always catches up with you. But in two weeks....well, if you didn't know (actually, you wouldn't know probably) HCIKFS is what we sang at our choir concert. And I hate that song. And now we're singing it. Again. Ahh, life, though doest (doest?...its pronounced dust, either way) grant surprises (unquestionably).

1 comment:

Amelia said...

How. Excellequent. Another random fact of the day. Thank you I s'pose. *wrinkles nose at sudden thoughts about aliens sucking out brains*

Ooh!!!!!! Snow!!!!!! oh. Oh? Headaches stink. I am sorry you have them. Right now. Lime soup?!?! Wow! Sounds like a good dinner, certainly.

Such... interesting... discussions. No seriously. Yeahhh. Pleasant. The world these days.

Ha! The simplest hearing errors can turn into such... hilarious... times. That was really funny. Wow, more singing... songs. Redundant, as you said. But whatevz.

Nice post.