Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Way of the Hermit

I guess it's important to never really let yourself stop living life. It's important to keep busy, whether that means cleaning the house or going to a party. If you let yourself morph into hermit mode you'll never want to get back out there and do stuff.

It's also important to take control of something before something bad (whether predicted or unexpected) comes of it. So that, when or if something does wrong wrong, you know you did everything you could to prevent it, fix it or make it better.

I've realized that basically, life is choices. In the way that, sure, other people's decisions are going to affect you, but you choose how to react to that. So you choose, as in making a choice, how to react to a choice. You choose to get angry, you choose who you talk to, how to answer questions and deal with trials. Choose when to shower, eat, sleep. You do also choose to go to school, even if it doesn't seem like it. I know, it's illegal to just never go to school. Honestly, by the way, who does the government think they are? If a person wants to remain uneducated their whole life, or persue a different route to make a living, that's there business. But anyway, you could just walk the other direction. You could call the secretary and pretend to be one of your parents and say you're sick. You could just put up such a riot screaming about not wanting to be at school while you're in school that everyone else is quietly wishing you would leave too. It's all about choices man. Think where choices you've made have gotten you. But also an important aspect is not to let past choices dictate who you are. You can change who you are. It's hard and it'll take time, sure. But through your choices you show other people who you are. When you make a promise, they can't read your mind and know whether or not you intend to keep it. They'll look at past experiences to try and see. Life isn't so much about changing yourself as improving yourself. It's probably a good thing to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them. Otherwise, to be blunt, you're not gettin' anywhere bud.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Yes. Very true indeed. I'm not sure I agree 100% with the first paragraph, because I tend to want to screw society, go against the flow and just live my life. But those things could very well mean keeping busy.

It is all about choices. Realization is just so important. So many things for the brain, and you've managed to think it through, writing down the basics. But it isn't (just) the basics, it's more of a... whole "plan", maybe you could say it's "rules" but really it's just what and sometimes why.

Yet another brilliant post.