Thursday, August 7, 2008

There is and Other FlibberFlobbers

So lately it seems like everyone is trying to make a certain grammatical error at any possible given chance. Now I'm not someone who gives anyone the cold shoulder for saying then instead of than. But there is one that bugs me. The 'there is' statement. As in, 'there is many ways to do this'. It's pretty simple really. If it's plural, are replaces is. But everyone always makes the, as I call it, flibberflobber, or mistake of just letting it slide. Now there's no logical explanation for why this bugs me so, but it does. But ya know, I never want to call people out on that, as in, "YOU FILTHY DISGUSTING GRAMMATICAL ERRORER!" or something like that. a) Errorer is not a real word, so that sort of defeats the purpose and basically I've given them the chance to deflect my reproachful remarks with shouts back of "Hypocrite!". And b) who wants to befriend someone who corrects everything they do that they may care about, even if you might not? Get it. It's just annoying if not anything else. So I guess it's just one of those weird bundles of nerves that when hit, lead to alarming reactions. Because most likely, they'll say something sarcastically like, "well sawreee!" and then I usually wind up saying something back like, "Yeah, just try harder next time." Why even say that? They might take it as a joke, but there's a good chance it'll annoy them. Oh! British accents man. I love those. But the thing is (ever heard of that saying, you always want what you can't have?) I can't even try to impersonate a person with the accent. I can't do it. I've tried. Most voices I do are ones that just come out.

I remember during camp these girls said that if someone said something that could have the retort "that's what she said" perfectly pinned onto it, but the time, place or situation wasn't appropriate to say it, they made this handshake instead, for those times, I mean. Okay, not the bestly worded sentence. Nor was that. And that one would probably be marked as fragment on Word or MyAccess. Gosh, I hate MyAccess. Did you know I got unscorable even though mine was tons longer than Anthony's and Thurmond's and...other people's? And it wasn't like I was talking about my experience at a great aunt's funeral's or tips and tricks for handling butterflies - I was sticking to the subject. I edited and revised and cut out some of my best lines. Nothing. It was incredibly frustrating. And it was pretty hilarious (sarcasm) that the subject was how the two football players Gale Sayers and Brian Piccolo dealt with challenges, and writing the essay was in and of itself a challenge. But anyway, I still got an okay grade. I'll probably land myself with Turbin again this upcoming year. I was delighted to be rid of teachers in general at the end off the year. Now that school is coming up soon, I realize that I have to go back. For a lot of years. There was a Calvin and Hobbes comic, and Calvin said something like, "I don't want to go to school!" and his dad says in return, something like, "Okay, why don't we switch places? You can work a full day, get less money then you should rightfully get for working so hard, give a large portion for taxes, all to put bread on the table and your reward is your kid's griping and moaning." Calvin, now outside waiting for the bus while it's pouring rain mutters angrily to himself, "It's nice to know there's so much to look forward to." I always wanted to do something to change the world for the better, I guess a lot of people want to do that. Sad to say though, I dunno if there's a better we can all agree on. I remember talking to Anthony about that, and he said something like "Well obviously not." but it was really a bubble burster for me. A bummer that goes far into the depths of bummer-ness. A heart crusher. A blow below the belt. Is there no hope? I'm starting to think small governments might make it all run smoother. I guess if you do it the big way (handshake mentioned earlier might apply here for instance) then there's bound to be conflicts. We ARE only human after all. Well I am. There's always a little mystery to everyone, eh? You can never be positive until you get to know someone. Anyway, the creative juices are yearning for viewing other's creativity. Youtube here I come. Imma out.


Amelia said...

Ha. That was a classic. Rules of society are occasionally necessary, but then again, it's all a catch-22. Wonderful wordings and I like the "new" blog.

This is hard.

Anthony Fulton said...

Its those things that make me wonder why anyone was ever my friend. "who wants to befriend someone who corrects everything they do that they may care about, even if you might not?" I have trouble with one particular sentence here. " Did you know I got unscorable even though mine was tons longer than Anthony's and Thurmond's and...other people's?"
I may only be offended coz it takes a stab at my writing skills (hardly, though), but how many people have you met that say quantity is better than quality? (I don't know about you but i haven't met many). All I'm saying is, longer doesn't mean better. I'm not tyring to be mean or act superior or anything. That sentence just clicked in my brain and it thought, " She has GOT to be kidding me!"