Friday, August 15, 2008

The Difference Between Debates and Arguements

The title just came to mind. There is a difference, of course, no doubt there. But I haven't thought it through at all.

I have decided that life is about choices, and learning from choices. You should not let past choices wreck it all for you. Just to get that clear.

So my brother got 116 YuGiOh cards today he won off eBay. About 50 dollars went into them, and the deck that arrived in the mail (carrying a faint trace of the scent of mothballs with it) including the three promised Egyptian god cards. So yeah, that was very very exciting.

Argh. I feel like I'm writing one of those recap blog entries for websites for MySpace layouts. and that's not what i want my blog to be.

There was something I read in a blog about just having fun, being random, shooting for the sky, and how everything is overdone and over-planned. Now of course that wasn't the exact contexts, I'm not much for remembering quotes, so it's altered a little. Somedays I do feel like that, but after seeing I Am Legend, I realize we do need to plan. Sure, we do a lot of it. And sure, it doesn't always seem like it's getting us far. Sometimes it doesn't get us far. But if we plan now, we (obviously) have a plan for later. Then we have time to be random and do all that great stuff. I'm not one of those strong insisters of work before play, but in this case I just feel like we need to resolve conflicts before...throwing it all out the window, if you will. Not meant to try to sway any opinions, just expressing my own.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Yeah there is a difference.

Agreed. Definitely.

Oh wow. Very...exciting.

Well ok.

Yeah having a plan helps a lot. Because, seriously, we're like not doing a whole lot right now. It's quite depressing. But yes, I do think that would be a good idea to make a plan NOW. It's not fair to the human race that the people with all the power aren't doing much.