Wednesday, August 6, 2008


This is a post I did in August and never posted. I read it, the draft version, and it was about me being worried of what others thought of me. I don't really care about that anymore. I guess there's a fine line between someone having an opinion ABOUT you and having guidelines FOR you. You can't let others decide who you are, is all.

I'm at a loss in the fact that everyone seems to have like...their thing. Amelia's is trumpet and hockey. Nick's is basketball. Sam's is...a variety. Anthony's in baseball and being funny. Clare's is field hockey and standing up for herself. Alysha's is soccer. Eva's is reading. My dad's is research. My mom's is having an open mind. My little brother's are drawing and making up games. But then me. It's not the case where I can do most everything. I can't dance - I do thought. I don't play ultimate frisbee well - I do though. But they're all....ways to enjoy life. Not exactly, a thing, a passion. I like to paint, I'm not good at it. I like to run, I'm not fast at it. I like to skip - that's hardly a passion. I like to shop - in moderation and for myself (acceptable, and then self - centered). I like to make people laugh, but I usually don't.

Don't get me wrong. I'm fine with it all. I don't want a pep talk or sympathy or anything. I'm smiilin away. I just sort of wish I had a thing sometimes. So I could say I was Becca, and I do/loved/was addicted to (not a drug of course) _______.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Interesting. I say that word a lot. But this is.

Yeah ok, I won't give you a pep talk or sympathy or anything. Because you don't need it. You do have a thing. You have several things. Should I name them... again? I won't though, because I know you're sick of me doing that. But yeah. There's nothing more I can say.

Keep smiling.