Friday, August 8, 2008

Celebration of 888

Well it's a day of the millenium for me. The date is 888 (pullin a Dr. Suess). I'm pretty excited. Of course, as my dear father just got tickets to the Final Four, which I've been told is the final four something of basketball. So never mind that no one will be able to truthfully claim the date is 08-08-08 for a thousand years, because there's nothing more important than sports in my life, as we all know. Sports for me are basically like...not hated at all, but more like uncovered grounds in the forest of unknowities. It's just stuff I haven't gone into a phase getting obsessed over quite yet. Or at all. I may never yearn or long enough to learn about the general idea of badminton to persue.

Ever notice when someone says you're good at something and then you feel pressure to almost change your ways, in a sense, just to...almost reassure them or prove them right? You don't want them to take it back. Not like they would. Who goes up to someone and says, "Wow, you're so good at poetry", then observes your poetic performances or encounters, and comes back two weeks later with the results of an inspection. They most likely just say it after you read them a poem you wrote that they really enjoyed or touched them, and they want to share that they're impressed with it. It's not something they throw out there to assure you they'll be watching to see how they cope with the burden of there solemn sincerity and encouragement. Ahh life, eh?

Anyway, seeing as how it is 888, we might as well talk about this legendary day. I read a lot of Harry Potter 5. I'm reading the series with the order backwards, like counting down. I realize I enjoy the books billions of times more than the movie. I listened to my two lovely less-then-compatible (not as in E-Harmony style, but incapable of living a peaceful lifestyle under the same roof) siblings scrabble and fight, and joined in a bit when reading got too dreary. I get tired of coming across unknown vocabulary and having to try to sort out the meaning by the context. So I just kept a dictionary by me and snatched it up whenever one of these time consuming encounters happened. I'm the kind of person who cannot go on reading something if I don't understand it. Textbooks, sure, they've never boded extreme interest or stirred up my insides into a tangle with apprehension and excitement. I've had better reads. So when I'm reading something for my pure entertainment and enjoyment, I guess I want to make sure I'm getting it all. Sentences like "He was not sorry not to see him not lurking around a corner" disturb my thoughts, though they may come in instantiously crystal clear for others, and I have to stop and work out the sentence, until it fits, then I can continue, content. I had a half a blueberry bagel toasted, with butter and a fried egg on top and a cheese quesidilla with a variety of dips for breakfast. I remember...what was it, a few weeks ago, my mom asked me if I was pregnant upon showing up at her bedroom doorway with a peanut butter apple and a dill pickle clenched in each hand. Taking this as some insulting remark at my appearance, which is much unusual for my mother, I wondered for a fleeting second whether she had been put under the Imperius curse, as I had spend most of that day as well getting throughly absorbed into the deepest cervices of the wizarding world, discovered loose ends that tied together small genius plot details Rowling had woven into the series and connected it all together in a most satisfactory way. Banishing that thought I swiftly walked past her muttering something about "I'm not that fat, am I?" and she chuckled and explained that when women are pregnant they tend to eat weird food combinations, but the typical thing was pickles and ice cream. I had a half of two chocolates from that Unlimited Delicious box of the gourmet stuff Dad brought back, I'll forever be in debt by the way Daddy. I dunno what else there is to say. Happy 888, The Office is the greatest, and...baubles (a word used in the -you guessed it- Harry Potter series I've run across a few times).

1 comment:

Amelia said...

That was a good post. (No, really?)Happy 888 to you, too. Wow, Final Four tickets-that's awesome! Sounds like a very interesting breakfast. Dang. I should try that sometime. 'Course, the tortillas here taste like they used bisquick. Movies seem to (want to) create this illusion that the book it was based after didn't really exist, and that the movie is much better. Harry Potter (the books) rule. That was funny about the pregnant part. Ha. Thanks for sharing (everything). And that was not sarcastic.