Sunday, November 9, 2008


Argh. Today is just....I don't even know. I miss my friends, two birds hit the window, all the crying, and now this dumb magazine sale.

My happiness should not depend on whether or not I've finished the address book for the magazine sale. But I guess you have to do it for Chicago. Whatever. Me being in a bad mood, I've decided I will go to Chicago, and I will not turn in the address booklet things. If I participate in a magazine sale I won't be able to hold myself in high regards ever again. It's just not something I would do. I've tried out being a walking endorsement (yes, I went through the Hollister phase) and it's not fun.

I miss Karina and Amelia. I'm sick of Anthony being mean to me. I hate all these expectations. I hate ACE. I hate obligations that are stupid, like, hey I don't know, maybe the MAGAZINE SALE. Dang it. Just Dang It.


Amelia said...

Ugh. Ugh. THAT thing again- magazine sales. It's such a... ripoff. Stupid. Yeah, you are going to go to Chicago. It'll be awesome. You are exactly right about your happiness not depending on it (the magazine sales booklet thing). Yes. Yeah. ACE is stupid, people being mean to you is dumb, missing people (I miss Becca and Karina) sucks, expectations are unnecessary (well.... yeaaahhhh....) and obligations are also... annoying. But hey, maybe at first glance life now might "suck" but it won't always be now, and you just gotta say, "No, actually life, you rock". (Alex told me about that whenever I felt that way).

It's... it's... yeah.

Anthony Fulton said...

It seems every other day you hate me, and on the days in between, you love me. Thats confusing

Karina said...

joist. that is my security word.

well, Chicago will be fun, I know that it will be very fun. The magazine sale is a total rip off. ACE is, cruel and unusual torture. Anthony beign mean to you is very dumb, so dumb that he needs to post a dumb comment. I miss you so much (text on how much i miss you and how much it rained yesterday) and I miss Amelia and a number of other people I won't name.

Life, yes it does suck, but if i get to be friends with people like you, its worth going through.