Thursday, July 10, 2008

Little Unknownities

Happy July.

I've been noticing a lot of good artists on MySpace aren't on YouTube and I can't find lyrics for them, let alone being available on iTunes. I had figured iTunes had everything, we except obviously the Beatles, which is in itself a tragic tragedy. So I get to go to camp! Isn't that great. My dad is also coming home soon. I'm purty excited for that. Music. What exactly is it anyway? I like the definitions in August Rush, which is really a good movie by the way. So. what's up with you guys? I'm just busy doing each and everyone of the following
  • listening to my heart and doing what I feel is right
  • being a bit confused
  • redoing my MySpace
  • talking to my mom
  • delighting in all these new music artists and newly discovered worth-watching TV programs
  • packing for camp
  • talking on the phone to Karina and Delaney
  • missing people who are gone
  • sneezing (allergies are amazingly time (and even) life consuming)

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Yeah, it's amazing how some really, really talented people on the Internet just aren't noticed anywhere else, really. Sort of ironic how iTunes doesn't have the, or one of the, most famous bands ever available. Tragic, yes... That's awesome that you're dad's coming home soon. I always hated when my dad has to leave. But it's so happy when they come back, you know? Have fun at camp. It will probably be a hell of a lot more fun that France. At least, the France I'm getting. Music's hard to give a definition. I heard the August Rush definitions on the commercial, which yes, were quite likable. I should see that movie probably. It's great that you're listening to your heart/doing what is right. That's cliche as it is considered, it's one of the simplest and best things you can do ever. Sounds like an ok list. Oh, and that title there, that's like pure Becca Bushman, man. That's like pure awesome-ly creative, man. I like that post.