Sunday, July 27, 2008

Found under the Passage to the Parallel

I'm goth - I like the color black- a lot. I'm superficial- I like to shop for clothes and talk about how I look sometimes. I'm fat- I like food and spend more time watching TV then I do working out. I'm white- I have decided not to swear. I'm limiting myself- I like the religion I'm in and follow it. I'm stupid- I'm wrong sometimes and there's a 100 percent change you know something I do not. I'm weird- I don't do everything like you do. I'm ignorant- it takes me longer to understand somethings than it takes you. I'm retarded- I trip over my tongue when I'm trying to speak more often then not. I'm blind and deaf because sometimes I don't hear a person or see something that's being pointed out. I'm a loser- because I don't have a busy life. I don't have a busy life because I like to relax and do nothing in the summer. I have A.D.D. because I get distracted. I have G.A.D. (general anxiety disorder) because sometimes I get very worried about what my future will contain. I have O.C.D. because I do somethings in a certain order, and redoing my MySpace is becoming a daily habit. I'm out of control because sometimes I don't act like other people think I should. I'm selfish because sometimes I want things done the way I want them done, or I want to work on a class project on my own instead of with a partner. I'm boy crazy because sometimes I want to sit back and talk about hot boys. I have no taste/I'm very generic because I can listen to the JoBros and Miley Cyrus. I'm random because my train of thought is different than your train of thought. I'm moody because my emotions change throughout a day based on thoughts are events that take place. I'm one sided because I don't understand why people always say what they do. I'm hypocritical because I do things constantly that I get annoyed at when others do it. I'm predictable because I laugh at funny jokes. I'm boring because I don't always have a hot topic on hand to rave and rant about. I'm critical because I have my own opinion. I'm rude because I have a temper. I'm wishy washy because I forgive others. I'm a liar because I don't tell everyone everything about my life. I'm ugly because I don't look like Heidi Klum. I'm mentally challenged because I didn't know how to pronounce the word Mediator. I'm clumsy because I frequently drop stuff and trip. I'm spoiled because I was born into the family I live with, and life turned out to be a privileged situation for me.

So yeah. That was about every label a person could pin on me. (and Amelia, this does not count as insulting myself. It's a way of showing that I won't let labels affect the person I am.)


Amelia said...

I wasn't about to give you the lecture.
That was...interesting to read. But it's good I guess because you didn't say you didn't like those things necessarily. It's just you. It's good that you're sticking up for yourself. Seems like your life is really getting awesome right now. That's cool.

I like black a lot, too.

Anthony Fulton said...

wow. Thats all i have to say. (BTW that is NOT a bad thing)