Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Annoyances 1.1 and 1.2

I can't stop.

1.1: This one will take some explaining. In movies or books, when a couple are together and one of them is meeting with someone else of the opposite sex or somehow they end up somewhere with someone of the oppposite sex of...appeal that isn't who they're with, and then they kiss. And then the other person in the relationship pops in there out of no where and throws a silent hissy fit and breaks off the wedding/breaks up/slaps the person when they follow them/cries (well, this usually happens)/takes the dog and/or kids and goes to stay with a friend/just runs off to who knows where.
Here's what annoys me about this.
1.) That person shouldn't even be kissing that other person. Call me an unfeeling insensitive jerk who has never felt the power of true love, but I don't care what you're feeling. You're in a relationship and if you want to make out with someone else break up with the person you're with. One night stands aren't any better than having a long lasting affair.
2.) Sometimes the person just walks in when their 'hubby' or whatever is talking with someone of the opposite sex. Sure, most of the time they're kissing. Talking isn't a common occurance. Either way, when the culprit dude runs after Mr/Mrs "I've been betrayed so I must get outta here." and the culprit is like, "Please, please, let me explain!" Why don't they let them? What harm will it do? At least listen to the story. Feel free to make noises of disgust throughout. Feel free to yell at them after. But you don't even know why you're running. You walked in in the middle of something that looked bad to you. You don't know anything but that and that you feel like crap.


Oh yeah.

1.2: Being sick.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Addicting, eh? Fun.

GAH. Movies get blegh after a while, you know? All this repetition and like.... invented affairs. It's like they're trying to tell us that if someone of the opposite sex is anywhere near you, and you are not with your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend, or even if they are with you and not aware at first, that you like automatically, magically, become overwhelmed with this random and somewhat stupid impulse/reaction? to... well, kiss them or whatever. As you have explained. Also as you have said, it is stupid. It is annoying. Do you see.... do you see like all the girls at Slauson going around kissing guys just because.... they're guys? Well ok, its not the same situation, but still. Ugh. Double-you tee ef.

I remember a discussion/argument we had in lunch one time where Danny said something about how being sick was also good for you, for the like stuff and stuff to be "training" or whatever. This is random, I know. But it is suckish to be sick. (<---pretty useless sentence).