Friday, September 12, 2008

All the Tidbits and Trinkets's okay.
Good position with friends, I want to switch out of Spanish to German with Hannah and out of my advis. teacher's class.
Amelia, please explain why 2001 A Space Odessey is such a phenomenon. It may have something to do with the fact that I can't clearly hear anything the people are saying, but I'm not getting any epiphanies out of it.
I like Scrubs too.
Oooh..Office Season 4 started coming via NetFlix.
So yeah, my voice is kind of gone, but I talk to D on the phone a ton, me and C are becoming better friends, I'm not scared or intimidated about interacting with new people, and it's aye oh kay.
And yes, I guess I am a little weird.

Plus I lost my iPod.
Luckily, they made a new iPod. And a new iP Touch....with built in speakers (wicked)!
but one kid can only ask for so much.

Ever realize how we gripe about having to do our dishes or copy pages of notes from the overhead or having our cell phone be dead?
Well, at least have we have dishes and food to put on the dishes to eat. And then of course, we have sufficient means to clean the dishes so eating the food we have is a safe experiment, with no dangers of food poisoning or infection or whatever cause. At least we have the opportunity to get an education as the foundation of our life and finicial position in the modern world. At least we have someone who teaches us and puts the notes on the overhead. Doggonit, at least we have the freakin' overhead. At least we have cell phones - at least we have the means to charge our cell phones.

We are living in a almost surreal position. We have so much and it's spoiling us rotten - the world, that's right.
Amelia, you're in France. And I know it's not the trip to Paris experience they potray in movies by the way you described it. But at least you went their for an opportunity for your family. You weren't carted off to be sold as a slave with scarely a 2ft by 6ft area of space for yourself. At least you got to travel in an airplane with padded seats and music and refreshments and security and a nice educated pilot and helpful flight attendents and little packs of peanuts and pretzels and maybe even little built in TV screens. And if the plane had crashed, you would have had methods preplanned to get you and everyone out, so you would be safe. And I know you miss us, and don't get me wrong - we miss you. But just think how wonderuflly awesomely amazing it is compared to HOW IT COULD BE.

just finished The Outsiders. I liked it. And I don't think I'll go with the purple gluestick route for Halloween. It's a dream yet to be fufilled, right?


Amelia said...

Sounds interesting. As in your life.
Well ok. I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey when I was like... younger. But I am interesting in space, and it seem(ed/s) like a cool movie. Inspiring. Interesting again. Well if you can't hear what they are saying, that might make it less enjoyable. I should see it again.
I still need to see an episode of Scrubs. Everyone seems to like it. And yay for Season 4. Well that's awesome. I wish I had that skill. Shyness is annoying. Weird... you... eh. You're a cool weird.

Well that sucks. I hope you find it... even if you sort of accepted it lost. Yeah Apple just never stops. It's almost... not... necessary all of the stuff we have. It ISN'T necessary. Makes me sick.

Ha! Just like old times, Becca Bushman. Your blog makes me smile because of your uncanny writing skills, and gives me yet another perspective lesson. Yes you have a good point. You have several good points. Yeah you're right. Now I guess I won't hate doing dishes so much. You can always have more, always have less. There's always more things to say, to do, to think and to see. That perspective thing is everywhere. It is everything. Then again, ha, it's pretty small.

Yes, it is nice to have all of those things. You can always compare and find yourself with awesome.

Yeah. Family... well I probably shouldn't rant... again. You are right, Becca. Yes. Thanks. Yeah. I guess I am one of the luckiest people ever. Remind me to grin at this situation. But then again, there is so many bad things in this world. And awesome things again. So perspective; comparisons never end. I'll try to enjoy this. You should see how it is sometime. Like, come over on a break and come to my school. I guess since I only have one life (as far as we know) I should try... harder to enjoy this. If that is possible. Oh wait- you just made Monday not so sucky even though it ends at 5:30. Hey thanks.

Yeah that's a good book. I named my bike back in A2 (I miss it a lot) after the guy that died. 'Cept I always forget if it was Darry or Dally...

Yeah. And I found out that some people in France do do Halloween. So yay. Good luck with the non-purple glue stick. That'll be fun.

You took off the playlist. I'm sure you noticed. I have a new playlist on MY blog (that no one reads) and that'd be super cool if you checked it out. But I liked that post. Yes.

Amelia said...

Oh wait. Sorry. I wasn't supposed to approve.